We Find The Errors In Your Loans, And Help Get Your Lawful Remedy.
Your remedy to erroneous loans can be anywhere from adjusted payments to outright discharge of the debt to settlement for damages.
Mortgage / Securitization Audit Reports
Was the financing legal? We track the path of the Note and Mortgage/Deed, locating info from the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
Auto / Vehicle Loans
A typical car loan passes through many sets of hands, and each stop opens the door to possible errors, mistakes or even fraud. Find the errors and get them corrected.
Personal / Business Loans
We can audit Credit Card Loans, Student Loans or any personal or business loan. Once the errors are found, we help you remedy the situation, often resulting in saving you multiple thousands of dollars.
What we Do
Individual & Corporates Auditing Services
Mortgage Loan Audits
The vast majority have errors, omissions or fraud present, once the audit has been conducted.
Auto / Car / Vehicle Loan Audits
Car loans are notorious for having errors and extra fees inserted. Fight back with a thorough audit and usually we can get the loan discharged entirely.
Credit Cards, Student Loans, Personal and Business Loans Audited
All loan companies are held to a very high standard of accuracy by our current laws, yet most financial companies regularly bend and break the law because they know that it is difficult for the average person to detect their unlawful actions and practices. We give you the ammunition to fight back AND WIN!!
Resources & Services
We Provide Financial Audits, Verifed Affidavits and Expert Witnesses To Discover Errors and Enable Remedy.
Fraud Analysis
Let SDAudit take the guess work out of your loans. A preliminary check of your documents for possible securitization fraud, chain of title flaws and lender non-compliance.
Court Ready Package
Complete court ready report covering chain of title, proof of securitization, REMIC compliance, holder in due course, CUSIP ID’s, credit support/default swaps, direct links to trust, and more.
Chain of Custody Investigation
Custom SEC report follows the chain of transfer of the note and security instrument through the securitization process; includes trust information, SEC hyperlinks to Pooling and Servicing Agreement.
Loan Audit Affidavits
We have professionals who have expertise to deliver forensic loan audit reports with efficiency, accuracy as well as integrity while performing forensic audits on almost any kind of loan, including Expert Witnesses to help defend your case.
Contact Us
We are here to answer any questions you may have regarding helping you with a Detailed Audit of your loan and possible remedies if errors are found.